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Group Therapy


Growing and healing together


Guiding your journey

Our Services


All patients seeking treatment with Alternatives in Behavioral Health, Inc. are required to complete a comprehensive, clinical assessment which will help determine the appropriate level of care.  This assessment is completed at our office, in person with a qualified staff member.  Upon completion of the assessment, the clinical director will review the results and the patient will be informed of their appropriate placement.  To schedule your assessment, please visit the assessment request page. 

Intensive Out Patient Care - Group Therapy

Alternatives in Behavioral Health, Inc (ABH) focuses on group therapy as its foundation for treatment.  Groups are offered through Intensive Out Patient (IOP) level of care.  IOP provides a less restrictive treatment than traditional residential programs but is more intense than a one-hour therapy session.  IOP is often a perfect step down for someone having successfully completed residential care.  All of our groups are small, providing specialized treatment for each patient.  Treatment focus can be substance abuse recovery or mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and PTSD.  Treatments are designed to address compulsive addictions and co-occuring psychiatric problems. 

IOP is also accepted by most insurance and is more affordable than residential care.  IOP is offered three times a week, three hours a day.  This time commitment is a good fit for those who are seeking to maintain employment.  The ABH-IOP is a licensed provider by the State of Florida for dual diagnosis care.  


ABH provides group therapy sessions that will allow patients to understand their emotions and develop new coping skills to live a better, more satisfying life.  One special component of groups is the exploration and development of Integrity Traits.  These traits are explored as a weekly theme toward the integration of the whole person.  Through the positive focus of what one can become, patients are asked to work towards these goals.  Perfection is not the focus; the striving, reaching, and doing the next right thing becomes the goal.

Groups offered on a regular basis include:


Process Group: This group provides time for clinical issue discussion, problem management and open discussion time.


Weekly Goal Group: This group provides the presentation and establishment of required weekly goals for IOP clients to include cognitive behavioral goal setting and is based on individual treatment plans.

Integrity Trait Group: This group provides an introduction and discussion of Integrity Traits as a theme for the week.  The traits represents parts of the whole to be integrated for wellness.


Family Systems Group: This group provides discussion of familial issues and our role in our family.


Relapse Prevention Group: This group provides Matrix guided topics including healing relationships, processing feelings, importance of scheduling, recovery challenges, coping skills, defense mechanisms, etc.


Body/Mind Connection Group: This group provides information and discussion of brain function, medication, drug interactions, neurological processing, brain chemistry, physical withdrawal and psychology of the brain.  Also included in this group are techniques to enhance therapy including relaxation, stress management, creative therapy and nutrition


Addiction Cycle Group: This group provides introduction and discussion of the Trigger-Thought-Craving-Use cycle and how to break it.  Clients will learn skills to Identify triggers, use thought stopping including ANT Therapy, and review Stages of Change-assessing and moving forward.


Interpersonal Development Group: This group provides information and techniques to enhance interpersonal relationships, reactions to others, communication styles, boundaries and personal strengths.


Out Patient Care-Individual Therapy 
Individual therapy is also provided by our clinical staff.  Clients who are assessed as needing this level of care will be assigned to meet with their therapist for one hour per week, typically at a time that is convenient for them.  Issues addressed can include substance abuse, compulsive-addictive disorders, anxiety, depression and PTSD. 



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